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.: Friday, May 23, 2003 :.

I Don't Trust the Handi-Capped
If the Coyote had one of those, he'd have caught the Road Runner for sure!

Working retail has provided me with a grim outlook on people in general. I can't stand people. People piss me off. I tend to back down from this a bit when i'm not at work, but for the most part, people are self-serving shits.

The term 'The Customer is Always Right' means jack shit to me right now. If you try to tell me that a sign with a low price on it should apply to a product twenty feet away from it, I'm going to tell you that your full of shit. Your not going to make me look like an idiot, i'm going to make you look like an idiot. I've done it before, and i'll do it again. I'll argue with you until you either tell me i'm right, or you give up. Either way I win.

Who do you think is going to win anyway? You, the occasional shopper, or me, the guy who's been telling people they're wrong for going on four years ;)

So anyway, onto the main subject of tonights rant: Motorized Scooters for the Disabled or Lazy

These things fly. I watched a little chinese man zip down an aisle tonight going damn near 30km/h.

I've been belted on more then one occasion by people riding these things. The person helming the thing will look straight at you with their best tsking face, like its your fault they're not paying attention, and riding the thing like a bat out of hell.

I'm sorry, but the last thing i expect when stepping out from an aisle is to be belted by something moving at 30km's. A person pushing a buggy goes around 5-10km/h, plenty of time to move out of the way if they're coming at me. Hitting me is fine, i'm going to be an asshole and say something really nice to them, while giving them a big jackass smile. Nice things scare people the most.

A child being hit at speeds like that could be seriously injured though. Odds are the little guy/gal would go flying into some sort of a display/shelf, and I don't even want to guess at what kind of pain would come of that.

The reality of disabled/lazy people with scooters to me right now is this: They're bitter, and don't give a shit about you. You however, are expected to pity and give shits about them, after all, they're disabled. Bull shit, bull shit, bull shit. I'll be nice to you, if your nice to me, period. If i know you to be an ass, i'm going to be an ass right back to you. Respect is earned.

* -- when handi-cap/lazy people were mentioned, they are to be considered two sepereate groups. A person is either legitmately handi-cap, or does not have any handi-cap, and simply uses a scooter out of laze --*

Peace Out
I'm not Handi-Capped, I'm Just Lazy

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